澳門自由行】小資4天3夜,8000元有找玩遍澳門- Klook 客路部落格

澳門自由行】小資4天3夜,8000元有找玩遍澳門- Klook 客路部落格

Macau is a city that’s hard to sum up in just a few words. It’s a place that needs to be experienced slowly, with each visit revealing more and more of its charm. For me, the true allure of Macau lies not in its specific attractions or shops, but in its people. Each time I visit, I find myself eagerly anticipating the emotions and experiences that will fill the gaps from my previous trips.

Years ago, I took my first trip to Macau and discovered that the beef brisket isn’t seasoned with traditional spices but with curry. Life moves at a leisurely pace, with vehicles always stopping for pedestrians. In Macau, I saw how extreme prosperity and deep nostalgia can coexist happily. It turned out to be a much more captivating place than I had ever imagined.

For the upcoming summer, I’ve planned to spend five days really delving into the parts of Macau that I’ve previously overlooked.

PS: This travelogue is split into two parts: exploring and photographing the attractions of Macau, and practical guides on immigration, cuisine, and itineraries. Feel free to navigate using the index. Happy reading!